Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores
and the
Town of Hempstead
The Bellmore Friday Night Car Show
Every Friday Evening, From March 7th to October 31st
5:00 PM to 10:00 PMWhere:
The Bellmore LIRR Parking Lot on Broadway
(Between Bellmore Ave & Bedford Ave)Come Down And Join The Fun!
Free to spectators to walk through. Admission Fee for Cars $5
Bellmore Friday Night Car Show
Rules and Regulations
Hours of operation will be 5-10 PM on Friday nights only
Confines of the event will be in the B-2 Municipal lot (only between Bedford Avenue and Bellmore Avenue)
- The utmost courtesy is to be given to railroad commuters
- All participants must follow municipal regulations
- All vehicles must be street legal
- There will be NO cruising within the parking lot
- There will be NO double parking
- There will be NO lawn chairs in driving lanes or parking spaces
- There will be NO Alcoholic beverages allowed at the Car Show
- Exhibitions of speed or reckless driving (wheelies, peeling out, burnouts etc.) are not permitted and will result in your immediate removal from the show.
- No vehicle shall contain merchandise or food for sale.
- Please park in marked stalls only; once parked, engines must be turned off
- You must clean up your allotted space at the end of the evening; please use the available receptacles for any garbage
- The Chamber has the right to collect the entrance fee even if you come early – someone will walk around and collect the fee or you will be asked to pay when you leave – Refusal to pay is subject to immediate removal from the show.
- You must be able to present the entrance sticker when leaving the Car Show or you will be asked to pay again – if you refuse, you will not be permitted back into the show
- Respect all traffic laws when leaving the Car Show
- Do Not use Sunrise Highway as a drag strip-if we see you dragging, you will not be allowed back into the show for the rest of the season
- Please be a good neighbor!
These rules are for your safety, the safety of the spectators, commuters, and the Bellmore Community.
The Chamber reserves the right to expel any participant for failure to comply with the above-mentioned rules & regulations; failure to comply with reasonable directions from the event staff or abusive behavior towards the staff will result in participant being asked to leave. You will not be allowed back into the show for the rest of the year.
*The Police Department and Code Enforcement as well as the Chamber have received many complaints from commuters and the residents of Bellmore concerning the double parking, the noise, garbage and drag racing. If these complaints continue, the Friday Night Car Show will be forced to close.